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Self Managed Superannuation Funds

At A E Soliman, we believe that an important part of our role as accountants is to help you prepare for the future by making sure you have made financial plans for your retirement. Many people choose to do this by setting up a Self-Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF). The difference between self-managed funds compared to other types of superannuation funds is that you and your fellow trustees are responsible for making sure your super fund complies with the law.
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By law, your Self-Managed Superannuation Fund must be audited each year by someone who is qualified to do so. The purpose of the audit is to make sure your fund is complying with current regulations on superannuation, and that the financial records of your fund are true and accurate. This process involves a great deal of collaboration and trust, which is why it’s vital that you appoint an experienced auditor who is capable of understanding and meeting all the needs of yourself and your fellow trustees.
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At A E Soliman, we are always prepared to go the extra mile to provide you with the services you need. We will take the time to explain the auditing process thoroughly and talk you through exactly what documentation we need you to provide us with to complete the audit. We will stay on top of all industry developments and changes in legislation to ensure we can continue to provide you with a legal, relevant and professional service that makes sure your superannuation fund complies with the law and offers a fair deal to all trustees. We will also meet our obligations by making sure the Independent Auditor’s Report is returned to you and your fellow trustees within the statutory 28 days.

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